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Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Tammy gave me so much insightful information. She knew things about me though we had never even met. She knew things even before I did. Such an amazing experience. Meeting Tammy has been a pivotal point in my journey toward enlightenment. I am so excited to work with her again in the future.”.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

“For years, I have looked externally for the perfect fix to all of my fears, anxieties, hurdles, and desires. Through the profound work I have done with Tammy, I have finally embraced that all I ever needed was in me. I’ve realized that the goal isn’t to have perfect moments in life, it is to be present with myself, through the good and the bad. Plus, she is hilarious and reminds me that healing can be fun and playful.”


Rating: 5 out of 5.

 “Tammy is so good at what she does! I appreciate her point of view, her thoughtful questions, her empathy, and her pure love for all of her clients. Since working with her in 2016, she has helped me change my life. – J.W

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Tammy’ s ability to hold the space for me to grow and heal has allowed me to lean into my intuition, my guides, and trust myself and my path. She has given me tools, insights, and exercises that allow me to be in a relationship with myself, which in turn has allowed me to be less reactive, more at ease, and more in the moment.” -CL